Missions & Vision


  • 24-hour Flames of the Holy Spirit prayer center for all nation
  • Pastor Leadership Training Ministry School
  • Church planting in all the cities, villages, and rural areas of Pakistan
  • Healing crusade ministry
  • Evangelical crusade ministry
  • Revival crusade ministry
  • Bible College for Pastoral Training
  • Sunday School Ministry
  • Street Ministry
  • Outreach Ministry
  • Brick kiln Ministry
  • Women Ministry
  • Youth Ministry
  • Prison Ministry
  • Working with all denominations
  • Free education for Orphans, the poor, and the needy
  • Providing free food to the Widows, Orphans, poor and needy
  • Swing Centers for poor girls to make them skillful
  • Pastoral Support
  • Television Ministry
  • Old home for the poor and needy
  • Health Care camps for poor