About us

Our Community

Flames of the Holy Spirit Ministry extends an open invitation to everyone in the Nation. anyone can join our services and almost some non-Christian people come for prayer. It is made up of a diverse group of Pakistani citizens, ranging in age, religion, and class.

If you want to feel like you belong there, Flames of the Holy Spirit Ministry is the right place for you. Because our people are very familiar and loveable. Everyone who comes is treated with warmth and kindness Flames of the Holy Spirit Ministry members exude vibrant enthusiasm. They expect to meet the all-powerful God when they arrive.

Everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, the banker to the beggar, the taxi driver to the doctor, and the rich to the poor have the same love and respect.

Church Missions

  • 24 hours Flames of the Holy Spirit prayer center for all nation
  • Pastor Leadership training ministry school
  • Church planting in all the cities, villages, and rural areas of Pakistan
  • Healing crusade ministry
  • Evangelical crusade ministry
  • Revival crusade ministry
  • Bible College for Pastoral Training
  • Sunday School Ministry
  • Street Ministry
  • Outreach Ministry
  • Brick kiln Ministry
  • Women Ministry
  • Youth Ministry
  • Prison Ministry
  • Working with all denominations
  • Free education for Orphans, the poor, and needy
  • Providing free food to the Widows, Orphans, poor and needy
  • Swing Centers for poor girls to make them skillful
  • Pastoral Support
  • Television Ministry
  • Old home for poor and needy
  • Health Care camps for poors

Participate With Us

we have many types of Ministry work e.g. Sunday school, women’s Ministry, revival, evangelical crusades ministry, etc.(can also read our ministry Missions).
but you can feel free to contact us to do work with us with any type of Ministry work.
we are all the body of Jesus Christ. (1-Corinthians 12:25-27). like that, in our body, we have different types of Organs like the heart, brain, kidney, lungs, and liver.
Every organ has a different function but if anyone doesn’t good working we feel some changes and difficulties in function. And we feel the disturbance in our bodies. and our bodies don’t perform perfect work.
So we know we are the organs of the body of Jesus Christ. we have to need to perform perfect working. God gives us different blessings to every person. (1 Corinthians 12:4)
So please Participate with us in Prayer, financial for more missions and revival and evangelical crusades, outreach, services, and other types of missions!
we have two permanent services
Friday night Healing service from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Sunday Service from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM