Flames of the Holy Spirit Ministry extends an open invitation to everyone. No matter of the Nation. anyone can come and join our services and almost some non-Christian peoples come for prayer………
Flames of the Holy Spirit Ministry extends an open invitation to everyone. No matter of the Nation. anyone can come and join our services and almost some non-Christian peoples come for prayer………
we have many types of Ministry work e.g Sunday school, women’s Ministry, revival, and evangelical
crusades ministry, etc.(can also read our ministry Missions)………
I, Rev.Indriyas Salamat was born into a God-fearing family. My father has been serving God before my birth. I have inherited this service. And I have been serving God since my childhood. God has given me every blessing. And now God is doing many miracles through me. Peoples get healing from various diseases.
Leprosy patients are healed. Family problems go away. Heart, kidney, and lung diseases go away. Cancer patients are healed in the name of Jesus Christ.
In addition to this, God has given me the ability to play different musical instruments. and blessed me to worship Him. Day by day I am getting stronger in Jesus Christ. The greatest blessing for me is that I am alive to spread His word and to win souls to save them and make them true disciples of Jesus Christ. Because the
Bible says in the Gospel of Matthew 28:19.
God gives me the vision to win billions of souls and make them disciples of Jesus Christ